The Real Impact Made From Every L+L Bowl Purchase


Our lives can get so busy (we’ve been feeling that a lot lately here at L+L)! Recently we’ve been sharing with you about the 60% OFF goods (still a few left) and our fulfillment team has been shipping up goods non-stop.

We’re always sharing new designs, how-to’s and 1:1 interviews, but we wanted to take a minute today to chat about something we’ve been wanting to share for some time now, and the reason for our shift in strategy:

Impact. The impact that we want to make (and we hope you’ll join in) in one specific region in the world.

Our partnership in Rwanda was the first one that we made, over three years ago. Throughout that time, we’ve seen our artisans grow, both in numbers and in determination. 

As we decided to narrow our product lines, to offer our customers more of what they love, while also deepening our impact to our partners.

So we set a goal. A lofty, but achievable goal, that we want everyone on our journey to be a part of.

We are on a mission to sell 100,000 Bowls. 

As we crafted this goal, we discussed with our artisan partners what this would mean for them. We wanted to understand what their ideal future would hold, with the sale of 100,000 Bowls, so that we can communicate their dreams to you.


Here are the investments they would make, with this additional income:

Buying a grind machine for the community:

This would allow the community to easily and quickly make flour porridge, maize flour, and cassava flour, helping to feed their children while also implementing a second revenue stream for the community.

Installing electricity and water in each home:

Almost all of our artisans’ currently live without electricity or water. As a result, days are cut short without access to light, and because they need to walk (often miles), to and from the water well each day. If the artisans’ were able to have access to electricity and water at home, it would allow for much greater efficiencies throughout the day, and also provide them access to education, through the news. 

Home buying & repairing:

If we are able to sell 100,000 Bowls, our artisan partners would be able to invest in new homes for any members that currently do not have one, as well as invest in repairs for any existing homes.

We know that a big part of your support comes because of our dedication to our social mission, and we thank you for that. The world of impact is a grey one, and our promise to you is to provide transparency and honesty throughout our journey. We are excited about this next stage of the company, and feel that together, we will be able to make each one of these goals come true.

Shop our bowls here, and help support our mission and impact in this beautiful community.


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