Bible Study & Sharing
Our team at Azizi Life has been changed by having new life with Jesus, and we believe that it’s only through relationship with him that any of us can truly thrive. For this reason, we take time as a team to pray, sing, and study the Bible every morning, and also offer a weekly Bible study to artisans.
We are encouraged as we share our thoughts and experiences, and there is always time to also share our concerns and pray for one another. We also take time to praise and thank God for all he has done. Azizi Life could not have gotten this far without prayer! If you’d like to subscribe to our prayer newsletter, please click on Prayer.
For graduates of our Adult Literacy Program, we are honored to give a Bible as their first book. Printed in Rwanda in the Kinyarwanda language, a bible costs only $7.00. Please join us in our goal to offer a Bible to each graduate. We trust that God will use his word to bring life to each family.